/************************************************************ Copyright (c) 1995 by Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Silicon Graphics not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific prior written permission. Silicon Graphics makes no representation about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without any express or implied warranty. SILICON GRAPHICS DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ********************************************************/ #include "xkbevd.h" #include #define Yes "yes" #define No "no" #define Unknown "unknown" #define ynText(v) ((v)?Yes:No) static char * eventTypeToString(int evType) { static char name[20]; switch (evType) { case KeyPress: strcpy(name, "KeyPress"); break; case KeyRelease: strcpy(name, "KeyRelease"); break; default: strcpy(name, "unknown"); break; } return name; } static void xkb_prologue(FILE *file, XkbEvent *ev, const char *name) { XkbAnyEvent *e = &ev->any; fprintf(file, "\n%s event, serial %ld, synthetic %s, device %d, time %ld,\n", name, e->serial, ynText(e->send_event), e->device, e->time); return; } static void do_XkbStateNotify(FILE *file, XkbEvent *xkbev) { XkbStateNotifyEvent *state = &xkbev->state; if (state->keycode != 0) fprintf(file, " keycode %d, eventType %s,\n", state->keycode, eventTypeToString(state->event_type)); else fprintf(file, " request %d/%d,\n", state->req_minor, state->req_minor); fprintf(file, " group= %d%s, base= %d%s, latched= %d%s, locked= %d%s,\n", state->group, (state->changed & XkbGroupStateMask ? "*" : ""), state->base_group, (state->changed & XkbGroupBaseMask ? "*" : ""), state->latched_group, (state->changed & XkbGroupLatchMask ? "*" : ""), state->locked_group, (state->changed & XkbGroupLockMask ? "*" : "")); fprintf(file, " mods= 0x%02x%s, base= 0x%02x%s, latched= 0x%02x%s, locked= 0x%02x%s\n", state->mods, (state->changed & XkbModifierStateMask ? "*" : ""), state->base_mods, (state->changed & XkbModifierBaseMask ? "*" : ""), state->latched_mods, (state->changed & XkbModifierLatchMask ? "*" : ""), state->locked_mods, (state->changed & XkbModifierLockMask ? "*" : "")); fprintf(file, " grab mods= 0x%02x%s, compat grab mods= 0x%02x%s\n", state->grab_mods, (state->changed & XkbGrabModsMask ? "*" : ""), state->compat_grab_mods, (state->changed & XkbCompatGrabModsMask ? "*" : "")); fprintf(file, " lookup mods= 0x%02x%s, compat lookup mods= 0x%02x%s\n", state->lookup_mods, (state->changed & XkbLookupModsMask ? "*" : ""), state->compat_lookup_mods, (state->changed & XkbCompatLookupModsMask ? "*" : "")); fprintf(file, " compatState = 0x%02x%s, ", state->compat_state, (state->changed & XkbCompatStateMask ? "*" : "")); fprintf(file, "ptr_buttons= 0x%04x%s\n", state->ptr_buttons, (state->changed & XkbPointerButtonMask ? "*" : "")); return; } static void do_map_message(const char *what, int first, int num, int eol) { if (num > 1) printf("%ss %d..%d changed%s", what, first, first + num - 1, (eol ? "\n" : "")); else printf("%s %d changed%s", what, first, (eol ? "\n" : "")); } static void do_XkbMapNotify(FILE *file, XkbEvent *xkbev) { XkbMapNotifyEvent *map = &xkbev->map; if (map->changed & XkbKeyTypesMask) { do_map_message("key type", map->first_type, map->num_types, 0); } if (map->changed & XkbKeySymsMask) { do_map_message("symbols for key", map->first_key_sym, map->num_key_syms, 1); } if (map->changed & XkbKeyActionsMask) { do_map_message("acts for key", map->first_key_act, map->num_key_acts, 1); } if (map->changed & XkbKeyBehaviorsMask) { do_map_message("behavior for key", map->first_key_behavior, map->num_key_behaviors, 1); } if (map->changed & XkbVirtualModsMask) { fprintf(file, " virtual modifiers changed (0x%04x)\n", map->vmods); } if (map->changed & XkbExplicitComponentsMask) { do_map_message("explicit components for key", map->first_key_explicit, map->num_key_explicit, 1); } if (map->changed & XkbModifierMapMask) { do_map_message("modifier map for key", map->first_modmap_key, map->num_modmap_keys, 1); } return; } static void do_XkbControlsNotify(FILE *file, XkbEvent *xkbev) { XkbControlsNotifyEvent *ctrls = &xkbev->ctrls; fprintf(file, " changed= 0x%x, enabled= 0x%x, enabledChanges= 0x%x\n", ctrls->changed_ctrls, ctrls->enabled_ctrls, ctrls->enabled_ctrl_changes); fprintf(file, " num_groups= %d\n", ctrls->num_groups); if (ctrls->keycode != 0) fprintf(file, " keycode %d, eventType %s,", ctrls->keycode, eventTypeToString(ctrls->event_type)); else fprintf(file, " request %d/%d%s\n", ctrls->req_major, ctrls->req_minor, (ctrls->req_major != xkbOpcode ? " (NON-XKB)" : "")); return; } static void do_XkbIndicatorNotify(FILE *file, XkbEvent *xkbev) { XkbIndicatorNotifyEvent *leds = &xkbev->indicators; if (leds->xkb_type == XkbIndicatorStateNotify) fprintf(file, " state changes= 0x%08x, new state= 0x%08x\n", leds->changed, leds->state); else fprintf(file, " map changes= 0x%08x, state= 0x%08x\n", leds->changed, leds->state); return; } static void do_XkbBellNotify(FILE *file, XkbEvent *xkbev) { XkbBellNotifyEvent *bell = &xkbev->bell; fprintf(file, " bell class= %d, id= %d\n", bell->bell_class, bell->bell_id); fprintf(file, " percent= %d, pitch= %d, duration= %d", bell->percent, bell->pitch, bell->duration); if (bell->name != None) { char *name = XGetAtomName(dpy, bell->name); fprintf(file, "\n name= \"%s\"\n", (name ? name : "")); if (name) XFree(name); } else fprintf(file, ", no name\n"); fprintf(file, " window= 0x%x, %sevent_only\n", (unsigned int) bell->window, (bell->event_only ? "" : "!")); return; } static void do_XkbAccessXNotify(FILE *file, XkbEvent *xkbev) { XkbAccessXNotifyEvent *sk = &xkbev->accessx; const char *detail; switch (sk->detail) { case XkbAXN_SKPress: detail = "skpress"; break; case XkbAXN_SKAccept: detail = "skaccept"; break; case XkbAXN_SKReject: detail = "skreject"; break; case XkbAXN_SKRelease: detail = "skrelease"; break; case XkbAXN_BKAccept: detail = "bkaccept"; break; case XkbAXN_BKReject: detail = "bkreject"; break; case XkbAXN_AXKWarning: detail = "warning"; break; default:{ static char buf[20]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "unknown(%d)", sk->detail); detail = buf; break; } } fprintf(file, " keycode= %d,detail= %s,slow keys delay= %d,debounce delay= %d\n", sk->keycode, detail, sk->sk_delay, sk->debounce_delay); return; } static void do_XkbNamesNotify(FILE *file, XkbEvent *xkbev) { XkbNamesNotifyEvent *names = &xkbev->names; if (names->changed & (XkbKeycodesNameMask | XkbGeometryNameMask | XkbSymbolsNameMask)) { int needComma = 0; fprintf(file, " "); if (names->changed & XkbKeycodesNameMask) { fprintf(file, "keycodes"); needComma++; } if (names->changed & XkbGeometryNameMask) { fprintf(file, "%sgeometry", (needComma ? ", " : "")); needComma++; } if (names->changed & XkbSymbolsNameMask) { fprintf(file, "%ssymbols", (needComma ? ", " : "")); needComma++; } if (names->changed & XkbPhysSymbolsNameMask) { fprintf(file, "%sphysical symbols", (needComma ? ", " : "")); needComma++; } fprintf(file, " name%s changed\n", (needComma > 1 ? "s" : "")); } if (names->changed & XkbKeyTypeNamesMask) { do_map_message("key type name", names->first_type, names->num_types, 1); } if (names->changed & XkbKTLevelNamesMask) { do_map_message("level names for key type", names->first_lvl, names->num_lvls, 1); } if (names->changed & XkbIndicatorNamesMask) { fprintf(file, " names of indicators in 0x%08x changed\n", names->changed_indicators); } if (names->changed & XkbVirtualModNamesMask) { fprintf(file, " names of virtual modifiers in 0x%04x changed\n", names->changed_vmods); } if (names->changed & XkbGroupNamesMask) { fprintf(file, " names of groups in 0x%x changed\n", names->changed_groups); } if (names->changed & XkbKeyNamesMask) { do_map_message("names for key", names->first_key, names->num_keys, 1); } if (names->changed & XkbKeyAliasesMask) { fprintf(file, "key aliases changed (%d aliases total)\n", names->num_aliases); } if (names->changed & XkbRGNamesMask) { fprintf(file, "radio group names changed (%d radio groups total)\n", names->num_radio_groups); } return; } static void do_XkbCompatMapNotify(FILE *file, XkbEvent *xkbev) { XkbCompatMapNotifyEvent *map = &xkbev->compat; if (map->changed_groups) fprintf(file, " compat maps for groups in 0x%02x changed\n", map->changed_groups); if (map->num_si > 0) { fprintf(file, " symbol interpretations %d..%d (of %d) changed\n", map->first_si, map->first_si + map->num_si - 1, map->num_total_si); } else fprintf(file, " keyboard has %d symbol interpretations\n", map->num_total_si); return; } static void do_XkbActionMessage(FILE *file, XkbEvent *xkbev) { XkbActionMessageEvent *msg = &xkbev->message; fprintf(file, " message: 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x\n", msg->message[0], msg->message[1], msg->message[2], msg->message[3], msg->message[4], msg->message[5]); fprintf(file, " key %d, event: %s, follows: %s\n", msg->keycode, (msg->press ? "press" : "release"), (msg->key_event_follows ? "yes" : "no")); return; } static void do_XkbNewKeyboardNotify(FILE *file, XkbEvent *xkbev) { XkbNewKeyboardNotifyEvent *nk = &xkbev->new_kbd; fprintf(file, " new device: %d min_keycode: %d, max_keycode %d\n", nk->device, nk->min_key_code, nk->max_key_code); fprintf(file, " old device: %d min_keycode: %d, max_keycode %d\n", nk->old_device, nk->old_min_key_code, nk->old_max_key_code); return; } static void do_XkbExtensionDeviceNotify(FILE *file, XkbEvent *xkbev) { XkbExtensionDeviceNotifyEvent *edn = &xkbev->device; fprintf(file, " device= %d, class= %d, id= %d\n", edn->device, edn->led_class, edn->led_id); fprintf(file, " reason= 0x%0x\n", edn->reason); fprintf(file, " supported= 0x%0x, unsupported= 0x%0x\n", edn->supported, edn->unsupported); fprintf(file, " first button= %d, num buttons= %d\n", edn->first_btn, edn->num_btns); fprintf(file, " leds defined= 0x%08x, led state= 0x%08x\n", edn->leds_defined, edn->led_state); return; } void PrintXkbEvent(FILE *file, XkbEvent *ev) { if (ev->type == xkbEventCode) { switch (ev->any.xkb_type) { case XkbStateNotify: xkb_prologue(file, ev, "XkbStateNotify"); do_XkbStateNotify(file, ev); break; case XkbMapNotify: xkb_prologue(file, ev, "XkbMapNotify"); do_XkbMapNotify(file, ev); break; case XkbControlsNotify: xkb_prologue(file, ev, "XkbControlsNotify"); do_XkbControlsNotify(file, ev); break; case XkbIndicatorMapNotify: xkb_prologue(file, ev, "XkbIndicatorMapNotify"); do_XkbIndicatorNotify(file, ev); break; case XkbIndicatorStateNotify: xkb_prologue(file, ev, "XkbIndicatorStateNotify"); do_XkbIndicatorNotify(file, ev); break; case XkbBellNotify: xkb_prologue(file, ev, "XkbBellNotify"); do_XkbBellNotify(file, ev); break; case XkbAccessXNotify: xkb_prologue(file, ev, "XkbAccessXNotify"); do_XkbAccessXNotify(file, ev); break; case XkbNamesNotify: xkb_prologue(file, ev, "XkbNamesNotify"); do_XkbNamesNotify(file, ev); break; case XkbCompatMapNotify: xkb_prologue(file, ev, "XkbCompatMapNotify"); do_XkbCompatMapNotify(file, ev); break; case XkbActionMessage: xkb_prologue(file, ev, "XkbActionMessage"); do_XkbActionMessage(file, ev); break; case XkbNewKeyboardNotify: xkb_prologue(file, ev, "XkbNewKeyboard"); do_XkbNewKeyboardNotify(file, ev); break; case XkbExtensionDeviceNotify: xkb_prologue(file, ev, "XkbExtensionDeviceNotify"); do_XkbExtensionDeviceNotify(file, ev); break; default: xkb_prologue(file, ev, "XKB_UNKNOWN!!!"); break; } } return; }