/* $NetBSD: msg_102.c,v 1.4 2022/06/19 12:14:34 rillig Exp $ */ # 3 "msg_102.c" // Test for message: illegal use of member '%s' [102] // Anonymous members are defined in C11 struct bit_fields_and_bits { union { struct { unsigned bit_0:1; unsigned bit_1:1; }; unsigned bits; }; }; static inline _Bool eq(const struct bit_fields_and_bits *a, const struct bit_fields_and_bits *b) { /* * TODO: Once this is fixed, enable lint in * external/mit/xorg/lib/dri.old/Makefile again. */ /* TODO: Add support for C11 anonymous struct and union members. */ /* expect+2: error: illegal use of member 'bits' [102] */ /* expect+1: error: illegal use of member 'bits' [102] */ return a->bits == b->bits; }