/* * Copyright 2011 Sven Verdoolaege * * Use of this software is governed by the MIT license * * Written by Sven Verdoolaege. */ #undef TYPE #define TYPE CAT(isl_pw_,BASE) /* Read an object of type "TYPE" from "s" with parameter domain "dom". * "v" contains a description of the identifiers parsed so far. */ static __isl_give TYPE *FN(isl_stream_read_with_params_pw,BASE)( __isl_keep isl_stream *s, __isl_keep isl_set *dom, struct vars *v) { TYPE *obj; obj = FN(read_conditional,BASE)(s, isl_set_copy(dom), v); while (isl_stream_eat_if_available(s, ';')) { TYPE *obj2; obj2 = FN(read_conditional,BASE)(s, isl_set_copy(dom), v); obj = FN(TYPE,union_add)(obj, obj2); } return obj; }